There are lots of people all over the world who love to eat cookies and I am one of them! So if you are also a cookie lover, then you need to read this.

Are you looking for cookie that contains natural ingredients that will not trigger your digestive systems, My Super Cookies Organic Whole Grain is the one for you. I highly recommend this product because it is perfect for staying on my diet, and still giving myself a treat!

My Super Cookies Organic Whole Grain Cookies are 100% free from nut, soy, dairy or egg since it is 100 % made from whole grains, chia seeds and coconut oil. This is the cookies are packaged in a convenient size that are perfect for vacation, school, camps, parks, day trips, road trips or for lunch box.

Let’s look at some of the ingredients of these Super Cookies: monk fruit extract, natural vitamin e, sea salt, organic baobab, organic seeds of chia, natural flavors, organic syrup of brown rice, flakes of organic quinoa, sunflower oil, organic coconut oil, organic honey and cane sugar, brown rice flour, dried blueberries, whole wheat flour, and the best ingredient of all chocolate! Since it is free from egg, soy and dairy, I don’t have to worry when sharing them with my friends that have food allergies.

I like to eat them right out of the package, or sometimes I mix them with ice cream or yogurt for some extra flavoring that is just awesome. With 3 flavors to choose from you can mix and match to find your favorite combination. My kids also love them with their great taste and flavors; I like to surprise them by putting a package in their lunch boxes sometimes.

So if you are looking for cookies that the entire family will love, My Super Cookies Organic Whole Grain Cookies will surely be a great choice. Rather than getting those big brand cookies from a big box store that are full of sugars and preservatives, why not give this much healthier alternative to your family of your family.

Witch one will be your favorite? Will it be the Honey Heroes, or the Blueberry Vanilla Heroes, or will it be the same as mine the Chocolate Heroes?  Give them all a try, I’m sure you will love them as much as my family does, and the kids will love playing with the fun cookie shapes.


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