Summertime! What a fun and joyous time for the entire family to vacation together, enjoy the beach, and lay out poolside. But, what about the cumbersome task of finding the best sun protection, especially for our little ones? Thankfully, there is an amazingly effective and natural sunscreen out there that works extremely well, and it is Badger Baby Sunscreen. Referenced on many organic blogs websites, Badger Baby Sunscreen is all-natural and made specifically for the delicate skin of a baby. It is not only 94% certified organic, ultra-moisturizing, and ultra-soothing, but it also has a SPF of 30+. Badger Baby Sunscreen is truly a wonderful sunscreen! It contains natural and organic ingredients including extra-virgin olive oil, beeswax, cocoa butter, chamomile, and jojoba. And, it also comes conveniently in a 2-part set with the Badger Baby Sunscreen itself that is 2.9oz as well as a great little unscented face stick that is water resistant for 80 minutes and can easily be used for quick and easy application.


The reality is that Badger Baby Sunscreen is very helpful at protecting your baby’s delicate skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays, and the sunscreen cream is also biodegradable and water and sweat resistant for up to 40 minutes. The cream even has a great, mild scent to it, and will not irritate your baby’s skin whatsoever due to its USDA approved organic and natural ingredients. Badger Baby Sunscreen is truly the perfect sunscreen for anyone that does not want to slather their baby with a sunscreen cream full of harmful ingredients and chemicals. The great thing is that both the cream and face stick can be used on the entire family! Badger Baby is mild enough for your baby, but also extremely effective for adults, children, and teenagers. Everyone loves Badger Baby Sunscreen!


The formulation for Badger Baby has been tried and tested by pediatricians alike, and has been approved for its safe usage. This is the reason why so many people love using Badger Baby on their children! Another great thing about Badger Baby Sunscreen is that it is perfect for anyone with sensitive skin because it does not irritate the skin whatsoever, and it is dairy-free. Many people have reviewed Badger Baby on Amazon with glowing reviews exclaiming just how non-irritating this sunscreen actually is for babies and adults. Another wonderful aspect of Badger Baby is that it is perfect for all-season sun protection, which means that it works just as well in the summer season as it does in the winter, and if you are anything like me and you spend time in the snow during the winter, you know that sunburns are indeed very possible no matter what season it happens to be. So, cut out the toxins and switch to Badger Baby Sunscreen today!


To see all the products that the Badger brand has to offer please CLICK HERE.


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